To get help from blogging
Denial. I'm sure that's what everybody goes through when told of something you don't want to hear.
"Your writing is BAD!"
"You really need to improve the way you write"
"I think you should read more to improve your writing"
How can I be that bad?! Each time I was told I sucked at writing, I was on a high, after finishing an article on a topic I was passionate about (at that time). Of course, I would refuse to believe my 'masterpiece' was horrendous.
Well, today, while on bed, recuperating from an extremely physically strenuous day, I read what I wrote. Was that really me? Boy, do I stink! (I'm sure the use of these words, 'BAD', 'sucked' and 'STINK' would not alleviate my status from the pit of 'you-should-not-be-writing')
So, I've made a resolution (even though it's too late in the year, or too early, depending on how you look at it!). I shall practice, practice, practice... on this blog nonetheless! Cos if the saying is true, practice will make perfect!
K, well, get practicing then.
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